
Welcome to a brand new version of our website. This time we have focused on creating an accessible site, in which content and structure are separated from the site's design, while following the standards set forth by the W3C.

Website development

Webs developmentUsability evaluation: we're reading Nielsen's book, so don't you worry. Information structure design. Graphic design.
Content management solutions.
Web page hosting.
Web sites maintenance.
We create sites using technologies such as:
XHTML, XML, XSL, CSS, JavaScript, Flash and Shockwave.

Software development

Application development:
multi-platform, internationalization-enabled, integration with relational databases.
Creation of web-based applications.
Consultants on Unix systems administration:
http, ftp, smtp, pop3 services and more.
Technologies that we use (and abuse):
C, Perl, PHP, Lisp, Ruby, MySQL, PostgreSQL.

About us

Leonardo is the one in charge of everything related to systems administration and programming. His work is usually done within dark terminals and Emacs sessions. Things like Free Software development and design of usable interfaces can be found amongst his main interests.

Michael is responsible for all the graphic and interface design in all of our projects. He has worked on web page and multimedia development since 1998. Enthusiast of standards such as CSS, he spends his efforts working on the creation of W3C standards compliant websites, as well as educating other developers on how to create usable sites.

Rodrigo is the member of our team with the commercial perspective. His responsabilities include: the planning and management of projects, as well as the approval of their implementation.

The best websites will have a good layout and above all, a good sized database of programs. It may not be hosting the free software download links but will redirect you for the same. At instances you may be asked to download and install some additional software, which for most cases will be pointless. There are always options to not do so and so are recommended. But if these appear, they do not mean a website is not genuine.