The stats:
Supports AMD Athlon™ 1.7GHz
Supports AMD Athlon™ XP 1900+
Pure Copper Heatsink with Silver Plating
Powerful Delta High-Speed Ball Bearing Fan
Fan Rated Speed 6,800 R.P.M.
Fan Air Flow 37.6 CFM
Fan Noise 46.5 dB(A)
Dimensions: 60 X 60 X 55.4 mm
Here it is, as it says above its plated copper so should perform well. A finger guard is supplied to save you loosing a finger.
This is the delta fan, in fact it even says made by delta electronics so it’s a real delta
The shroud directs the air into the fins, each fin seems to be slotted into a groove.
I haven’t counted how many find there are but I recon its got a few more than the Swiftech.
The silver plating gives the base a really nice shine, its quite smooth.
The clip is relatively standard, you need to use a flathead screwdriver to push the clip onto the socket.
Here it is installed, it is much smaller than both the Swiftech and the Coolermaster, again I applied a thin layer of artic silver to the core before clipping it down.